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Generally, when any pregnant woman goes to a Doctor or Gynecologist for the first time, the Doctor often advises her to do ‘ANC profile test’. Prospective parents have many questions in their minds regarding this test. Like what is ‘ANC Profile Test’? Why is this test done during Pregnancy?, what tests are included in it? We will know the answers to these and many more questions in this article.
What is ‘ANC Profile Test’?
ANC profile test is a group of blood tests done during Pregnancy which gives information about the health of the mother. Only a healthy mother gives birth to a healthy child. Therefore, to know about the health of the mother, it is necessary to do an ‘ANC Profile Test’ in the initial stage of Pregnancy i.e. in the first three months.
Importance of ANC Profile Test in Pregnancy:
The health of the child inside the mother’s womb is related to how healthy the mother is. ‘ANC Profile Test’ can check if the mother has any disease like anemia or diabetes which can affect the development of the baby. These tests help Doctors know what extra care the mother and baby need to stay healthy. These tests also help in preventing complications during Pregnancy.
Which tests are included in the ANC Profile Test? (ANC Profile Test List)
This test includes the tests given below.
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)/ Hemogram
- Blood group and RH type
- Urine routine examination test
- Glucose – fasting, PP and random (Sugar)
- HIV 1 and 2 test
- Hepatitis B surface antigen test (HbsAg)Rapid plasma reagin
- VDRL test for screening Syphilis
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis (HPLC)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH test)
Now we will learn about each test.
1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)/ Hemogram
Hemogram is a test that checks how much Hemoglobin is in the mother’s blood. Hemoglobin is important for helping the baby grow in the mother’s womb. The test helps make sure the mother has enough hemoglobin. The amount of Hemoglobin in the blood of pregnant women should be more than 11 (> 11gm/dl). If the hemoglobin level is less than 11 grams, it means that there is not enough iron in the blood and the mother has anemia in need extra iron supplements to treat it.
2. Blood group (Blood group and RH type)
The mother’s blood type is important in diagnosing Rh incompatibility. In case of a positive diagnosis of Rh incompatibility, where the mother’s blood group is negative and the baby’s blood group is Rh-positive, then in such a case the baby may have a life-threatening condition called Rh incompatibility. To prevent this complication, it is important to know the mother’s blood group. It is also important in case the expectant mother needs blood at any time during Pregnancy (Anemia) or at the time of delivery (Postpartum Hemorrhage).
3. Urine Routine
A urine sample is tested to detect urinary tract infection (UTI). In this test, protein, white blood cells (WBC) and bacteria in urine are examined. Urine infection during Pregnancy can cause complications like Preterm Delivery, Low Birth Weight Baby. (Ref: National Library of Medicine) If there is a urine infection, your Gynecologist will give you medicine to treat it.
4. Sugar in blood (Glucose – fasting, PP and random Sugar)
When a woman is pregnant, it is important to know how much sugar is in her blood. If the sugar level becomes too high during Pregnancy, it is called Gestational Diabetes. This can cause problems in the unborn child such as high birth weight (big baby), early delivery (preterm birth), stillbirth. By early diagnosis of high sugar during Pregnancy, complications can be prevented by taking treatment. Therefore, sugar level is checked in the ANC Profile.
5. HIV
At the beginning of Pregnancy, an HIV blood test is done to find out whether the mother has HIV infection. HIV can be transmitted from mother to baby through the placenta if the mother is HIV positive, but taking HIV medication and maintaining a low viral load during Pregnancy, labor and delivery, and while breastfeeding can prevent HIV infection from passing to the baby through breastfeeding. The probability of this happening becomes less than 1%. (Reference: CDC Guidelines).

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis virus. In this disease there is swelling in the liver. This disease can cause chronic disease due to which there is a risk of diseases like liver cirrhosis and cancer. HBsAg test helps Doctors find out whether a pregnant mother has hepatitis B disease or not. If the HBsAg test is positive, there is a risk of transmitting hepatitis B disease to the baby during Pregnancy. In such a case, the risk of spreading hepatitis B disease can be reduced by giving proper treatment and hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) and hepatitis B vaccine after delivery of the child.
The VDRL test is a special test that helps Doctors find out whether a pregnant mother has a disease called Syphilis or not. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Treponema Pallidum. If a pregnant mother has Syphilis, she can pass on Syphilis infection to the unborn baby. If I have Syphilis during Pregnancy, there can be complications like Miscarriage, Stillbirth and the child having Syphilis. But early treatment of Syphilis during Pregnancy can prevent these complications.
8.Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (HPLC- High-Performance Liquid Chromatography)
Hemoglobin electrophoresis is a test that helps Doctors find out if someone has certain types of abnormal Hemoglobin in their blood. These abnormal types of Hemoglobin can cause some disorders in the body (Hemoglobinopathies) such as Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anemia. Hemoglobin electrophoresis (HPLC) test is done to detect these disorders. To prevent complications from these Haemoglobinopathies during Pregnancy and delivery, early detection and treatment is necessary.
9. Thyroid Function Test:
Three types of thyroid hormones T3, T4, TSH are produced by the thyroid gland situated in our neck. These hormones ensure proper metabolic functioning in the body. Thyroid Function Test helps to detect any Thyroid disorder. Thyroid disorders in pregnancy can have significant implications for both the mother and baby. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can lead to complications such as Preeclampsia and Preterm Birth, while Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) may result in Gestational Hypertension. Proper management and monitoring of Thyroid Function during Pregnancy are crucial to ensure a healthy outcome for both mother and child.
ANC Profile Test in Short
An ANC Profile | A blood test that gives information about the mother’s health |
Full Form ANC | Antenatal Care |
When is the Antenatal Care Profile done? | in the first three months of Pregnancy |
Preparation | Do not eat or drink for 8 hours before the test The test is done in the morning on an empty stomach. |
Price | Ranges from Rs 1200 to Rs 2000 |
How much time does it take to get the report? | 8 to 24 hours |
Other names of the test | Antenatal Panel, Prenatal Test, Antenatal/ Prenatal Screening, Obstetric Panel. |
ANC profile testing should be done in the first three months of Pregnancy to monitor the health of the mother and fetus. In addition to routine medical tests and diagnostic scans, these tests are part of overall prenatal care. ANC profile tests are important as they help the Gynecologist to plan further actions and take necessary measures during delivery.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is ANC profile test?
ANC profile test is a blood test done during Pregnancy which gives information about the health of the mother.
What is ANC Profile Test Full Form?
Full form of ANC Profile Test is Antenatal Care.
How many tests are there in the ANC profile?
ANC profile consists of 9 tests given below.
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)/ Haemogram
- Blood group and RH type
- Urine routine examination test
- Glucose – fasting, PP and random (Sugar)
- HIV 1 and 2 test
- Hepatitis B surface antigen test (HbsAg)
- Rapid plasma reagin/VDRL test for screening Syphilis
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis (HPLC)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH test)
What is the ANC Profile Test price?
ANC profile test usually costs Rs 1200. to Rs 2000 at present.
Is it necessary to remain on an empty stomach for the ANC profile test?
Yes. The ANC profile test involves testing sugar on an empty stomach.