Anomaly Scan in Pregnancy

Anomaly Scan is usually advised by the Doctor during the 5th to 6th month (18 to 22 weeks) of Pregnancy. It plays a significant role in monitoring the development of the baby and detecting any Anomalies in the Baby. In this blog, we will take a closer look at what an Anomaly Scan is, Why it’s important, When it is typically performed, and What to expect during the procedure.

What is an Anomaly?

Anomaly in refers to any unusual or unexpected development, structure, or condition in the developing fetus or baby. It can include structural abnormalities or congenital disorders that may impact the baby’s health or development. In short Abnormal development of any body structure of a baby is called Anomaly. Examples of Anomalies in pregnancy include structural abnormalities such as heart defects, cleft lip or palate, neural tube defects (like spina bifida), limb deformities, chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome, and other conditions that affect the baby’s organs, limbs, or overall development. 

anomalies meaning

What is an Anomaly Scan?

An Anomaly Scan, also known as a Mid-Pregnancy ultrasound or a level II ultrasound, is a detailed and comprehensive ultrasound examination performed during the second trimester of Pregnancy, usually around 18-22 weeks. This scan is designed to assess the baby’s growth, anatomy, and overall development to ensure there are no Anomalies.

what is anomaly scan?

Why is Anomaly Scan Important?

1. Early Detection:

 Anomaly Scans are crucial because they can help detect potential problems early in Pregnancy. Identifying any issues in advance allows medical professionals to take appropriate steps for the best possible outcomes.

2. Peace of Mind:

For expectant parents, an Anomaly Scan offers peace of mind. Seeing your baby’s development and knowing they are healthy can reduce anxiety and increase your excitement for the upcoming arrival.

3. Informed Choices:

If the Anomaly Scan reveals any concerns or abnormalities, it provides parents with information to make informed decisions about their Pregnancy that is whether to terminate Pregnancy or continue pregnancy and plan for the care needed for their child.

When Anomaly Scan is Performed?

The Anomaly Scan is typically scheduled around 18-22 weeks of Pregnancy. This timing is ideal because the baby is still small enough to be well-captured on the ultrasound, but developed enough for most major structures to be visible. 

What to Expect During the Anomaly Scan:

Prescription : A Registered Medical Practitioner’s or Doctor’s Prescription or Referral Letter is compulsory for any ultrasound during Pregnancy as per PCPNDT Act in India.

1. Preparation: Before the scan, you may be asked to drink water and have a full bladder. This can help create a clear ultrasound image.

2. Procedure: You’ll lie on an examination table, and a gel will be applied to your belly. The gel ensures that the probe and your skin establish good contact and the probe glides smoothly. The Doctor will use the handheld probe to capture images of the baby. 

3. Observations: The ultrasound technician will examine the baby’s head, spine, heart, kidneys, limbs, and other organs. They will also measure the baby’s size and check the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby.

5. Results: After the scan, the Doctor will review the images and measurements, and will discuss the findings with you. In most cases, everything will be just fine, and you’ll leave the appointment with a heart full of joy and relief.

6. Possible Follow-Up: If the scan reveals any concerns, your doctor may recommend additional tests or consultations with specialists to explore the issue further.

How Accurate is the Anomaly Scan report?

The accuracy of an Anomaly Scan can be quite high, typically ranging from 85% to 95%. However, it’s important to note that it may not detect all anomalies, and false positives or negatives can oc cur. Factors such as the baby’s position, the Doctor’s experience, and the quality of the equipment can influence the scan’s accuracy. In cases of suspected anomalies or inconclusive results, further tests or consultations with specialists may be recommended to ensure the most accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.

Anomaly Scan Cost

In India, the cost of an Anomaly Scan typically ranges from 2000 to 5,000 Indian Rupees at present, depending on the location and the healthcare facility you choose. Prices may vary, so it’s advisable to check with the specific clinic or hospital for the most up-to-date pricing.

The Takeaway

The Anomaly Scan is an essential part of prenatal care, offering a window into your baby’s development and overall health. While it can be a little nerve-wracking, it’s an important step in ensuring the well-being of both you and your child. Remember that most pregnancies progress without any complications, and the Anomaly Scan is just one more way to celebrate the miracle of life. So, breathe, relax, and look forward to meeting your little one!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Anomaly Scan?
Which week is best for Anomaly Scan?
Can Anomaly Scan show gender?
Can I eat before Anomaly Scan?
Is Anomaly Scan painful?
What is Anomaly Scan price?

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