Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid) in Pregnancy

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Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid)  Uses in Pregnancy: In this article we will know the importance of ‘Folic Acid’ tablets taken during pregnancy. Folvite Tablets (Folic Acid) are usually given for the first three months of pregnancy. Iron, Folic Acid and Calcium tablets are given for the next 6 months of pregnancy. There are many questions or apprehensions in the minds of prospective parents regarding these pills. Like why are these pills given?. Is this medicine safe during pregnancy? In this blog post we will try to find answers to these questions.

What is Folvite Tablet?

Folvite Tablet is a commonly known brand name of a vitamin supplement called ‘Folic Acid’ which is prescribed during Pregnancy. It is the synthetic form of ‘folate’. It is a water-soluble B-vitamin that plays an important role in the biological processes of our body. It plays a particularly important role during periods of rapid cell division and growth, making it an essential nutrient during pregnancy. Folic Acid helps form new cells, including DNA and RNA, important components of heredity. Additionally, it helps in the formation of amino acids which are essential for making proteins in the body. Folic Acid aids in the development of the neural tube during the early stages of fetal development.

Folvite Tablet Uses

1. Neural Tube Development:

The neural tube is the initial part of the baby’s brain before its spinal cord is formed. Adequate Folic Acid intake before pregnancy and during the early weeks of pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of Neural Tube Defects. Folic Acid plays an important role in ensuring the development of the neural tube. Deficiency of Folic Acid can cause Neural Tube Defects like Spina Bifida (Rfe: CDC) in the womb, which can cause the child to become disabled. These defects can result in lifelong health challenges for the child. Every year in India, 6-7% i.e. out of every 1000 children born, there are about 60 to 70 children who are born with Neural Tube Defect. Some of these defects are very serious and can affect the brain or spinal cord. 70% of Neural Tube Defects can be prevented by taking Folic Acid 4 mg tablets one month before planning pregnancy and for the first 3 months of pregnancy. (Ref: National Library of Medicine)

Folic Acid deficiency can cause Neural Tube Defect

2. Red Blood Cell Production

Pregnancy increases the demand for Red Blood cells, which are useful in delivering oxygen to both the mother and the developing baby. Folic Acid contributes significantly to the production of  Red Blood cells, helping prevent Anemia, a condition characterized by a lack of healthy  Red Blood cells. Anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, and other complications for both mother and baby.

3. Cellular Growth and Division

When a baby is growing inside the mother’s womb, there are a lot of tiny cells that need to grow really fast (cellular multiplication). Folic Acid helps in this process so that the child’s body can grow and develop properly. It makes sure that all the cells, tissues and organs of the body are formed properly.

Benefits of Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid)

Taking Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid)  in prenatal period provides many benefits to expectant mothers:

1. Birth Defect Prevention:

Taking Folic Acid pills before you get pregnant and in the early stages of pregnancy can help prevent serious problems with the baby’s brain and spine (Neural Tube Defects). This is very important to keep the baby healthy.

2. Optimal Pregnancy Health:

Folic Acid is like a superhero for expectant mothers and their babies. This helps the baby to grow strong and healthy, while also ensuring that the mother remains safe and comfortable during pregnancy.

3. Maternal Wellness:

When a woman is pregnant her body needs more energy and blood to care for the baby. Sometimes, this can make him feel tired and reduce red blood cells, making him feel weak. Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid)  help with this by producing more red blood cells and making the mother feel better and more energetic.

Appropriate Timing and Dosage of Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid) :

According to Doctors’ recommendations and CDC guidelines, before a woman gets pregnant, she should take 400 micrograms of Folic Acid every day for a month. Once she becomes pregnant, she should take 500 micrograms every day. If she is breastfeeding, she should take 600 micrograms daily. In India, generally 57% of women aged 15 to 49 years suffer from anemia (as per the National Family Health Survey 5, 2019-21). That’s why Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid) is available in high dose in India. Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid) of 5 mg dose is generally available in India. This High Dose Folic Acid also reduces the risk of increasing blood pressure i.e. PIH during pregnancy. (National Library of Medicine). You can take Folic Acid every day  with or without food. Simply swallow the tablets with water. But consult your Doctor about how much to take and when to take it, so that you can get all the good effects of the vitamin.

Folvite Tablet use
Folvite Tablet use

Folvite Tablet Side Effects

Folic Acid can have the following common side effects:

  1. Nausea, loss of appetite
  1. Bloating, gas, stomach pain
  1. Bitter or unpleasant taste in your mouth
  1. Allergy: In very rare cases, allergy to Folic Acid can occur. This can cause things like itching in the skin, rashes on the body, difficulty in breathing or swelling on the face. If this happens, you should immediately seek help from a Doctor.


When a woman is pregnant, it is really important for her to take Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid). These pills help the baby’s body grow and develop properly, and can prevent birth defects. Taking the right amount of Folic Acid can help mother and baby have a healthy and happy pregnancy. It is important to consult your Doctor to know how much Folic Acid to take.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When to take Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid) during pregnancy?
Why is Folvite Tablet (Folic Acid) given during pregnancy?
When should Folic Acid pills be taken?
Is 5mg Folic Acid too much when pregnant?
What happens if you do not take Folic Acid during pregnancy?

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