इस ब्लॉग को हिन्दी मे पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे।
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‘MTP Kit’, Welcome to this informative blog post!. If you are pregnant but want to have an abortion for some reason, then this article may be suitable for you. In this blog post, we will learn the key aspects of MTP Kit, its uses, benefits and safety precautions.
What is MTP full form?
The full form of MTP is Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
Medical – by taking medicine
Termination of Pregnancy – Abortion
What is MTP?
In simple language, MTP means ‘Abortion’ or ‘Termination of unwanted Pregnancy’.
There are two ways to do MTP
Medical method of MTP
Medical MTP is a method of abortion in which abortion is performed by giving abortion medicine or pill. This can be done till the 9th week of Pregnancy.
Surgical MTP
Surgical MTP is another method of abortion in which the uterus is cleaned after hospitalization. This is done till the 12th week of Pregnancy. To know how many weeks the Pregnancy is, calculate how many weeks have passed from the first day of the last period till today’s date.

What is MTP Kit?
The kit of medicines used in medical abortion is called ‘MTP Kit. MTP Kit contains two medicines: Mifepristone and Misoprostol. These medications provide a safe way to terminate early Pregnancy, usually up to 9 weeks.

How does MTP Kit work?
MTP Kit Contains 2 Medicines
Mifepristone: Mifepristone, the first pill of the MTP Kit, works to antagonize progesterone, a hormone responsible for maintaining Pregnancy, thereby causing the fetus to separate from the uterus.
Misoprostol: A second medicine, Misoprostol (4 Tablets), is taken 24 to 48 hours later. This medicine works to contract the uterus. As a result, the fetus gets separated from the uterus and comes out of the uterus, causing bleeding.
How to take MTP Kit dose?
You can get a MTP Kit in a Gynecologist’s clinic or in a medical shop with the prescription of a Gynecologist. Your Gynecologist will guide you by giving you information about the dosage, usage, time of administration and side effects of MTP Kit.

The MTP Kit is generally used as follows.
MTP Kit contains 5 tablets.
1 tablet: Contains Mifepristone medicine.
4 tablets: Consists of Misoprostol medicine.
Mifepristone: The first tablet, Mifepristone (200mg), is taken by mouth on the first day in the clinic or at home.
Misoprostol: The second type of pills, Misoprostol (200mg), which contains 4 tablets, is usually placed under the tongue after 48 hours or may be placed in the vagina. After taking these four pills, a pregnant woman starts bleeding within 4 to 8 hours i.e. miscarriage.
Follow up: The Gynecologist will call you for a checkup again after 10 days to confirm that the abortion is complete and to make sure that there are no complications.
Abortion is completed in 95% of cases. But in 5% cases, incomplete abortion or no abortion can be a complication. In such cases, surgical MTP i.e. cleaning of the uterus may be required to perform abortion. Therefore it is necessary to consult a Gynecologist after 10 days of taking MTP Kit.
MTP Kit Use
MTP Kit is generally used to terminate an unwanted or unplanned Pregnancy. Also when Pregnancy poses a significant risk to the woman’s health or life. It provides a safe and confidential option for women who wish to terminate their Pregnancy in the early stages. But it is important to remember that this kit can be used only till the 9th week of Pregnancy.

Benefits of Using the MTP Kit:
Non Invasive:
Unlike surgical MTP, the MTP Kit offers a non invasive method of terminating a Pregnancy, reducing the need for anesthesia or hospitalization.
MTP Kits allow women to keep the abortion or MTP procedure confidential.
Early Intervention:
The MTP Kit is most effective in the early stages of Pregnancy (up to the 9th week of Pregnancy), reducing the risk of potential risks and complications associated with miscarriage later on.
MTP Kit Side Effects
MTP Kit is considered safe when used as directed by your Gynecologist. However, like any medicine, it may have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and bleeding, which are usually temporary and subside after the procedure is completed. Serious complications are rare, but may include an allergic reaction or incomplete miscarriage, which requires prompt treatment from your doctor.
Before using the MTP Kit, it is important to consult a Gynecologist to determine its suitability for your specific Pregnancy situation. Its use is not considered appropriate in pregnancies more than 9 weeks, ectopic Pregnancy (Pregnancy outside the uterus), or certain diseases. Additionally, it is important to visit the doctor for follow-up to confirm that the abortion procedure is complete and to address any potential concerns.
MTP Kit provides a safe and effective option for terminating early Pregnancy. Remember, if you are considering using the MTP Kit, seek guidance from a Gynecologist for a safe and successful abortion.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is MTP Kit price?
The price of MTP Kit today ranges from ₹ 250 to ₹ 500. But to take it, a Gynecologist’s prescription is required. Abortion using MTP Kit on the advice of a Gynecologist can cost Rs 5000 or more.
How to take MTP Kit dose?
MTP Kit contains 5 tablets. Take the first tablet, Mifepristone (200mg), orally on the first day. After 48 hours, take the four Misoprostol tablets (200mg each) either under the tongue or in the vagina. Expect bleeding within 4 to 8 hours. Follow up with a gynecologist after 10 days for confirmation and potential further treatment if needed. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for any complications.
For how many days does bleeding occur after taking MTP Kit?
Bleeding occurs for the first 4 to 8 hours after taking MTP Kit, which is when a miscarriage occurs. Even after this, some bleeding or spotting may occur for up to 2 weeks. If there is excessive bleeding even after eight hours, you should consult your doctor immediately.
What are the symptoms of Incomplete Abortion?
In Incomplete Abortion, the woman experiences heavy bleeding and severe pain in the lower abdomen. In this only a small part of the fetus inside the Uterus is able to come out. That is why it is called incomplete abortion. It is diagnosed by ultrasound or sonography.
What is MTP full form?
The full form of MTP is ‘Medical Termination of Pregnancy’. Medical means by taking medicine.
What is MTP Act?
The Government of India has implemented ‘Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act’ (MTP Act 1971) regarding abortion since 1971. It was amended in the year 2021 (MTP Act 2021). With this law, the Government of India allows pregnant women to legally perform abortion under various circumstances up to the 12th and 24th week of Pregnancy.