Pregnancy Test Kit : The Ultimate Guide

इस ब्लॉग को हिन्दी मे पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे।


Pregnancy Test kit is an essential tool for women who are trying to conceive or suspect they may be pregnant. These kits offer a convenient and private way to determine Pregnancy status in the comfort of your own home. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of Pregnancy Test kits, how they work, when to use them, and address frequently asked questions about these vital diagnostic tools.

What is a Pregnancy Test Kit ?

It is an easily available and privately owned kit that is used to help women test their Pregnancy. With the help of this kit you can find out whether you are pregnant or not? You can do a Pregnancy Test if you miss your period. If your periods do not come regularly then you should do a Pregnancy Test when symptoms of Pregnancy appear.

How does a Pregnancy Test kit work?

During Pregnancy, a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCH) increases in the body of women. Pregnancy Test kits detect this hormone and confirm Pregnancy.

Types of Pregnancy Test Kits:

a. Urine Based Pregnancy Test Kit (Urine Pregnancy Test – UPT):

Urine-based Pregnancy Test kits are the most common type of medical Pregnancy kit available. In this, it is detected whether there is HCG hormone in the urine. Urine-based Pregnancy kits are readily available and inexpensive. These are designed for home use and are easy to use. These kits usually contain a rectangular test strip which has a circular area at one side. To do the Urine Pregnancy Test you have to pour 3-4 drops of an early morning urine sample in the circular area. Test results are read within 1-2 minutes which is indicated by the appearance of one or two lines.

b. Blood based Pregnancy Test / beta hCG test

Blood-based Pregnancy Tests are usually done on Doctor’s advice. This test is more sensitive than urine-based Pregnancy Test. It can detect hCG hormone (hcg) even at low levels in the body. Doctors recommend this test if there is a need for early detection of Pregnancy (such as IVF or test tube Pregnancy) or if the results of a urine-based Pregnancy kit are in doubt.

How to do a Pregnancy Test at home? 

How to do a Pregnancy Test at home? 

Using a Pregnancy Test kit is very simple. Most kits come with detailed information, but here’s a general overview:

  • Collect your first morning urine in a clean container.
  • Using the dropper provided in the kit, place 4 drops of urine on the round part of the test strip.
  • Check the result after 1 minute in the rectangular part of the test strip (where C and T are written). If two lines appear below the C and T part, then it is a Positive result. Meaning you are pregnant. If there is only one line below C, it means the test is Negative.

Any result received after 5 minutes is considered invalid. Even if the result is Positive, consult your Doctor because this test also comes Positive in rare but unusual types of Pregnancy like Ectopic Pregnancy (Pregnancy outside the uterus) and Molar Pregnancy (A molar pregnancy is a rare abnormality where a nonviable mass of tissue forms in the uterus instead of a normal embryo, typically requiring medical intervention). To confirm this, it is necessary to do sonography.

Accuracy and Reliability of Pregnancy Test Kits:

Pregnancy Test kits show accurate results when used correctly. However, factors such as using the kit too early, not following the instructions properly, or using an expired test kit can affect the reliability of the results. It is essential to carefully read and follow the instructions provided with the kit to ensure accurate results.

Pregnancy Test Kit Result

Pregnancy Test Kit Result

Positive Test

A Positive result shows the presence of the HCG hormone, which indicates Pregnancy. It is advisable to confirm the results with a Doctor for further guidance and prenatal care. It is also necessary to do Sonography (dating scan) at 6 to 7 weeks of Pregnancy to detect the baby’s heartbeat and to rule out the possibility of Ectopic Pregnancy and Molar Pregnancy.

Negative Test

A negative result means that hCG was not detected, indicating that you are probably not pregnant. However, it is important to note that using the test too early or incorrectly may result in a false negative result. If you suspect that you may be pregnant despite a negative result, consider retaking the test after a few days or consult a Doctor.

Invalid Result

Invalid results may occur if the test is not performed correctly or the kit is faulty. This may result in the kit showing a missing T line or a missing both C and T lines. It is very important to follow the instructions provided with the kit for accurate results. If you get an invalid result, repeat the test or seek help from a Doctor.

Pregnancy Test Kit Price

Pregnancy test kit prices in India can vary widely, ranging from as low as ₹50 to ₹500 or more, depending on the brand, features, and accuracy. Basic strip tests are usually more affordable, while digital tests with additional features may be pricier.

Pregnancy Test Kit Brands

Below are given some examples of some Pregnancy test kits available in India.

pregnancy test kit price

  1. Prega News
  2. i-can Pregnancy Kit
  3. i-know Pregnancy Kit
  4. PregaScreen Pregnancy Kit


In conclusion, Pregnancy Test Kits have revolutionized the way women confirm their pregnancies, offering convenience, privacy, and accuracy. With a wide range of options available, from affordable strip tests to advanced digital kits, they empower individuals to take control of their reproductive health and make informed decisions about their future.

Frequently Asked Questions

After how many days Pregnancy can be confirmed by a urine test?
What is the correct time to check Pregnancy kit?
How to test Pregnancy at home?
When to take Pregnancy Test? Or when to do Pregnancy Test?
Can a Pregnancy Test be wrong?
Does a faint line mean pregnant?

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